Report Margins



I have a quote program created that allows a user to preview a report when the information is all inputted. I set up the report to have margins of .5" for top, bottom, right, and left and to display in landscape mode. I save these settings.

When the report is displayed in seems to always go to 1" margins all the way around and to portrait mode. I thought when you save your settings in access it will perserve them. Is there something I can do to always have the same margins? Can I use code behind to specify report printing properties?


Allen Browne

Two suggestions:

1. Turn off the Name AutoCorrect options under:
Tools | Options | General
This is a known problem:

2. Check that you have the latest service pack for your version of Office
Choose About from the Help menu.
It should show "SP3" for Office 2000, or "SP2" for Office 2002.

More info on problems with Name AutoCorrect:

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

brian said:
I have a quote program created that allows a user to preview a report when
the information is all inputted. I set up the report to have margins of .5"
for top, bottom, right, and left and to display in landscape mode. I save
these settings.
When the report is displayed in seems to always go to 1" margins all the
way around and to portrait mode. I thought when you save your settings in
access it will perserve them. Is there something I can do to always have
the same margins? Can I use code behind to specify report printing


The Office SP-3 patch did not correct the bug regarding report margins

I had to un-check the "Name AutoCorrect" option.


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