report in access will not report last entry in table



I created a report, an invoice. It reports the clients up to client 6. The
clients after cleint 6 will not show up on the invoices I created. They do
get reported on the invoices that I did not create. The data in the table is
correctly entered. I did not create a form before I created the reports.
All of the data comes from tables or queries that are valid.

I created three reports for the template. One for businesses, one for
clients with spouses, and for clients without spouses. They all stop at
client number 6.

Any ideas on what I did wrong. I used the wizards to create the reports.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

More than likely, there is a difference in the data which will cause them
not to show. Unless you are intimately familiar with the structure, you may
miss the subtle difference.

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