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I am using the following on a Query, In this I would like to see a projected
days and a actual days. I am seeing all entries on the chart though. I only
need the 2. Could someone please assist? The projaccdays = projected days and
actdays = actual days.

SELECT Null AS Expr1,
[AMR Query].projaccdays1 AS 1,
[AMR Query].projaccdays2 AS 2,
[AMR Query].projaccdays3 AS 3,
[AMR Query].projaccdays4 AS 4,
[AMR Query].projaccdays5 AS 5,
[AMR Query].projaccdays6 AS 6,
[AMR Query].projaccdays7 AS 7,
[AMR Query].projaccdays8 AS 8,
[AMR Query].projaccdays9 AS 9,
[AMR Query].projaccdays10 AS 10
FROM [AMR Query]
[AMR Query].actdays1 AS 1,
[AMR Query].actdays2 AS 2,
[AMR Query].actdays3 AS 3,
[AMR Query].actdays4 AS 4,
[AMR Query].actdays5 AS 5,
[AMR Query].actdays6 AS 6,
[AMR Query].actdays7 AS 7,
[AMR Query].actdays8 AS 8,
[AMR Query].actdays9 AS 9,
[AMR Query].actdays10 AS 10
FROM [AMR Query];

Duane Hookom

I just created the chart for Imossolle. The primary issue was the
un-normalized table structure. A union query was created from the existing
table and then the union query was used as the Row Source of the chart.

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