Report for Conditionally Formatted Cells



Hi There,

Is there anybody who has a routine available that creates a report for
my active sheet / workbook that says on which cells conditional
formatting has been applied. Possibly with the conditions applied for
those cells?

Looking forward,



listing all the format conditions may be a bit complicated, as there
are so many permutations.

This macro will return a simple list of all cells in the active sheet's
used range with conditional formats (note cells outside the usedrange
will not be picked up):

Sub show_conditional_cells()
cczz = ""
n = 0
For Each cc In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells
If cc.FormatConditions.Count > 0 Then

cczz = cczz & cc.Address & " "
n = 1 + n

End If
cczz = Trim(cczz)
If cczz = "" Then MsgBox ("no conditional formats on this sheet") Else
MsgBox "there are " & n & " cells with conditional formats on this
sheet: " & cczz

End Sub


Hi Nicky,

Thanks for your code!!!
I will have to find a way to get the conditions for the formatting still
Suggestions welcome!

Cheers Sige
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