Report Criteria when using subreports



I am trying to generate a report that has multiple subreports from numerous
queries in the report header. (the only way it seems to work). The criteria
selection is a variable (which town?) but would remain the same for the
report as a whole. If I put the criteria in the subreports, it asks for it
one time for each subreport included. If I put it in the "main" report it
seems to ignores it, probably since it is an unbound report.

How complicated is this?


I don't understand multiple queries in the report header. There is no such
A report has one and only one record source. Each subreport also has a
record source.

And, what do you mean by an unbound report?


Klatuu said:
I don't understand multiple queries in the report header. Not multiple queries in the header, multiple subreports in the report header. This is how I was told to do it because it wasn't working in the detail section.

There is no such
A report has one and only one record source.

Each subreport also has a


Okay, that makes sense.

Not sure why it wasn't working in the detail section.
Here is a trick you might try.
Since all the report are based on the town, create a record source for the
main report that has a town field in it. It only needs one row and you don't
have to use any controls for it.

Then in the subreports use the town fields as the master and child link

Note tested, just an idea.

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