Replicating Data in Fields



I have a Simple form that my counselors use to request Records. The fields

Date of Collection
Donor Name
Mobile Code
Case ID
Staff Name
Date Needed

My problem is this; if a counselor needs 10 different records for one donor,
they have to complete the form 10 times. Completing each field over and over
again. I want to know if it is possible to retain the information from the
previous entry for the counselor and just change the fields that require
changing; i.e., WBN, Date of Collection.

Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

John Vinson

I have a Simple form that my counselors use to request Records. The fields

Date of Collection
Donor Name
Mobile Code
Case ID
Staff Name
Date Needed

My problem is this; if a counselor needs 10 different records for one donor,
they have to complete the form 10 times. Completing each field over and over
again. I want to know if it is possible to retain the information from the
previous entry for the counselor and just change the fields that require
changing; i.e., WBN, Date of Collection.

Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

Use the AfterUpdate event of each control which you want to have
autoduplicated. Click the ... icon; invoke the Code Builder; Access
will give you the Sub and End Sub lines, just add one more:

Private Sub WBN_AfterUpdate()
Me!WBN.DefaultValue = Chr(34) & Me.WBN & Chr(34)
End Sub

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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