Replacing a table with a new one.



I need this code to delete the old table and place the new table in the
tables container with the old table name. I am not that experienced with
modules. I have posted on here befor and they just gave me the answer to
use DoCmd. I was told that you can use Container().Update, but I could not
find it in Access or VB Help. Can someone tell me how and where to put this
code. There is a Module named modMain and a the Class Object for
frmBackupRestore. I think that the one below should serfice, If not please
let me know.

Below is Class Module cBackupRestore:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private mintErrorTrap As Integer

Private mstrRootFolder As String
Private mstrDBName As String

Private Const mconTABLES = "tables"
Private Const mconQUERIES = "queries"
Private Const mconFORMS = "forms"
Private Const mconREPORTS = "reports"
Private Const mconMACROS = "macros"
Private Const mconMODULES = "modules"
Private Const mconBACKUP_FOLDER = "backups.wzb"

'Stores complete path to backup folders
Private mcolFolders As Collection

'the files in a specific backup folder
Private mcolFiles As Collection

Public Function GetFileNames(ObjectType As Integer) As String
'For a particular object type, return all the backup
'files present in a backup folder as a string
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim colFiles As Collection
Dim strFile As String
Dim strFolder As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strOut As String

'First, read the files present in object's backup folder
Call sInitCollection(ObjectType)

'Now return all the names read previously as formatted
'for a two column listbox, first col.=VersionNumber and
'SecondColumn=actual FileName w/o the version info
strOut = "Version;FileName;"
For i = 1 To mcolFiles.count
strFile = mcolFiles.Item(i)
If (ObjectType = acTable) Then
strOut = strOut _
& Mid$(strFile, InStr(strFile, "_") + 1, InStr(strFile,
".") - InStr(strFile, "_") - 1) _
& ";" & Left$(strFile, InStr(strFile, "_") - 1) & ";"
strOut = strOut _
& Right$(strFile, Len(strFile) - InStr(strFile, ".")) _
& ";" & Left$(strFile, InStr(strFile, ".") - 1) & ";"
End If
strOut = Left$(strOut, Len(strOut) - 1)
GetFileNames = strOut
Exit Function
GetFileNames = vbNullString
Resume ExitHere
End Function

Private Sub sInitCollection(intObjectType As Integer)
Dim strFile As String
Dim strFolder As String

'refresh folders collection
Call sCheckSubDir(False)

'Now get the files for this particular index
Set mcolFiles = New Collection

strFolder = mcolFolders(intObjectType & vbNullString) & "\"
strFile = Dir(strFolder, vbNormal)
Do While Not strFile = vbNullString
mcolFiles.Add Item:=strFile, key:=strFile
strFile = Dir
End Sub

Public Function ImportObject(ObjectType As Integer, VersionNumber As
Integer, FileName As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strNewObjectName As String
Dim strImportName As String

'First read all files for this object
Call sInitCollection(ObjectType)

'get teh complete path to the object folder being asked for
If (ObjectType = acTable) Then
strFilePath = mcolFolders(ObjectType & vbNullString) & "\" _
& FileName & "_" & VersionNumber & ".txt"
strFilePath = mcolFolders(ObjectType & vbNullString) & "\" _
& FileName & "." & VersionNumber
End If

'Make sure we know under what name was the object imported
strNewObjectName = Application.Run("acwzmain.wlib_stUniqueDocName", _
FileName, ObjectType)

If Not strNewObjectName = FileName Then
strImportName = strNewObjectName
strImportName = FileName
End If

If (ObjectType = acTable) Then
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , strImportName, strFilePath, True
Application.LoadFromText ObjectType, _
strImportName, _
End If

ImportObject = strImportName
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbOKOnly Or
ImportObject = vbNullString
Resume ExitHere
End Function

Public Sub ExportObjects(rsDynaset As Recordset)
'SaveAsText all objects whose names are present
'in this recordset and update the revision number
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim strDestination As String

'check for specific object folders underneath mconBACKUP_FOLDER
'Create any if need be
Call sCheckSubDir(True)

With rsDynaset
Do While Not .EOF

'Get the folder path
If (!ObjectType <> acTable) Then
strDestination = mcolFolders(!ObjectType & vbNullString) & "\" _
& !ObjectName & "." &
strDestination = mcolFolders(!ObjectType & vbNullString) & "\" _
& !ObjectName & "_" &
!RevisionNumber & ".txt"
End If

Call SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Exporting " & pconQ & !ObjectName &
pconQ & "....")
If !ObjectType = 0 Then
'If it's a table object, use TransferText instead.
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , !ObjectName, strDestination,
'Otherwise call the undocumented SaveAsText method
'Call Application.SaveAsText(!ObjectType, !ObjectName,
End If
'Now increment the RevisionNumber for
'the next time around.
!RevisionNumber = !RevisionNumber + 1
!BackupRecommended = False
!LastBackupTimeStamp = Now()
End With
On Error Resume Next
Call SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
Exit Sub
Err.Raise pconERR_BASE + 4, "cBackupRestore::ExportObjects", _
"Specified object does not exist in source database."
Resume ExitHere
End Sub

Public Property Let FolderPath(Value As String)
'Where do we want to place all the exports?
'If the folder doesn't exist, return an error
If Dir(Value, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then _
Err.Raise pconERR_BASE + 1, "cBackupRestore::FolderPath", _
"Invalid path specified"
mstrRootFolder = Value
If Not Right$(mstrRootFolder, 1) = "\" Then _
mstrRootFolder = mstrRootFolder & "\"
End Property

Private Sub sCheckSubDir(blnCreateSubFolders As Boolean)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim strPath As String
strPath = mstrRootFolder & mconBACKUP_FOLDER & "\"

'If the backup folder (mconBACKUP_FOLDER) doesn't exist
'under this folder, create it
If Dir(mstrRootFolder & mconBACKUP_FOLDER, vbDirectory) = vbNullString
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(mstrRootFolder & mconBACKUP_FOLDER)
End If
End If

'If object specific folders don't exist under mconBACKUP_FOLDER
'Create them on the fly if needed (blnCreateSubFolders)
If Dir(strPath & mconTABLES, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(strPath & mconTABLES)
End If
End If
mcolFolders.Add Item:=strPath & mconTABLES, key:=acTable & vbNullString

If Dir(strPath & mconQUERIES, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(strPath & mconQUERIES)
End If
End If
mcolFolders.Add Item:=strPath & mconQUERIES, key:=acQuery & vbNullString

If Dir(strPath & mconFORMS, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(strPath & mconFORMS)
End If
End If
mcolFolders.Add Item:=strPath & mconFORMS, key:=acForm & vbNullString

If Dir(strPath & mconREPORTS, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(strPath & mconREPORTS)
End If
End If
mcolFolders.Add Item:=strPath & mconREPORTS, key:=acReport & vbNullString

If Dir(strPath & mconMACROS, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(strPath & mconMACROS)
End If
End If
mcolFolders.Add Item:=strPath & mconMACROS, key:=acMacro & vbNullString

If Dir(strPath & mconMODULES, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
If blnCreateSubFolders Then
Call MkDir(strPath & mconMODULES)
End If
End If
mcolFolders.Add Item:=strPath & mconMODULES, key:=acModule & vbNullString

Exit Sub
Err.Raise pconERR_BASE + 2, "cBackupRestore::sCreateSubDirs", _
"Error: " & Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mintErrorTrap = Application.GetOption("Error Trapping")
Call Application.SetOption("Error Trapping", 2)
Set mcolFolders = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Call Application.SetOption("Error Trapping", mintErrorTrap)
Set mcolFolders = Nothing
End Sub

Emilia Maxim

James said:
I need this code to delete the old table and place the new table in the
tables container with the old table name. I am not that experienced with
modules. I have posted on here befor and they just gave me the answer to
use DoCmd. I was told that you can use Container().Update, but I could not
find it in Access or VB Help. Can someone tell me how and where to put this
code. There is a Module named modMain and a the Class Object for
frmBackupRestore. I think that the one below should serfice, If not please


the command to delete a table in the Tables container is:

DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "MyTable"

As to the code you posted, it is something pretty long, so before I
spend so much time with it I'd ask what do you want to achieve? Where
does the new table come from? Do you want to import something, if so,
what is it?

The code seems to have functions for backup and restore, but for a DB
the simplest and most often used backup is to copy the DB file as a
whole. The import of a given table from a DB would require other code.

Best regards

Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart

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