replace text in sentence



Is there a way you can reference a cell in another worksheet from withi
a line of text. I have a file that needs to replace some text ever
month and wanted to make it quicker and so I wouldn't be prone t
making a mistake. An example is below.

This form needs to be changed every day. Within the sentence thi
<b>needs</b> to be changed.

Thanks in advance

Michael J. Malinsky

Is this what you're looking for:

="Within the sentence this "&Sheet2!A1&" to be changed."

so if Sheet2!A1 contains the word "needs" the sentence will read: "Within
this sentence this needs to be changed.


Michael J. Malinsky
Pittsburgh, PA

"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly,
and I did. I said I didn't know." -- Mark Twain


in sheet1, cell A3 type some text or data
in sheet2, cell A1 type:

="This is text and " & Sheet1!A3& " with more changes."

every time A3 gets changed, your text changes with it.

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