Replace Function in Excel 97

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monk
  • Start date Start date


The following is a part of a macro that works fine in later versions of
excel. However some users are still on Excel 97 and the replace function in
the code is not recognised. Can someone suggest code that may work under
both 97 and later versions or amended code that will wotk specifically for
97. I having being toying with the substitute command with little success.

Dim Rng As Range, ix As Long
Set Rng = Intersect(Range("D7:D65536"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
For ix = Rng.Count To 1 Step -1
If Trim(Replace(Rng.Item(ix).Text, Chr(160), Chr(32))) = "" Then
End If


Use Application.Worksheetfunction.Substitute instead of Replace. Will work
for all versions.

Encourage the 97 users to upgrade - 97 was bad...

MS Excel MVP
Re "97 was bad..."

So the other side gets a hearing <g>...
It runs code faster and calculates quicker than any later version.
The help file is far superior to later versions (XL2000 is just a joke).
It has classic menus.
You don't have to update it anymore.
Code compatibility problems are minimal with other versions.
The price is right.
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA
(Excel Add-ins / Excel Programming)

"Bernie Deitrick" <deitbe @ consumer dot org>
wrote in message
Use Application.Worksheetfunction.Substitute instead of Replace. Will work
for all versions.
Encourage the 97 users to upgrade - 97 was bad...
MS Excel MVP
Bernie Deitrick -

Regarding: "Encourage the 97 users to upgrade - 97 was bad..."

I agree that we should encourage 97 (and 2007) users to upgrade to 2003, but
I don't think that Excel 97 SR2 was so bad.

I still develop VBA add-ins in Excel 97 SR2 (and test in all later versions
of Excel), but I'm almost ready to move to Excel 2000 as my development

- Mike Middleton
Decision Analysis Add-ins for Excel
Thanks Bernie. Some are resistent to change but I am working on them!!

One final query, the only other error message I am receiving in my code is a
Runtime error '13': Type Mismatch error with respect to the following line
"Set VBComps = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents" in the code below. Are
you able to advise a solution to this? Cheers

Sub DeleteAllVBA()

Dim oSht As Object

Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'suppress delete warning

For Each oSht In Sheets

If Not oSht.Visible Then oSht.Delete


Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent

Dim VBComps As VBIDE.VBComponents

Set VBComps = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents

For Each VBComp In VBComps

Select Case VBComp.Type

Case vbext_ct_StdModule, vbext_ct_MSForm, vbext_ct_ClassModule

VBComps.Remove VBComp

Case Else

With VBComp.CodeModule

.DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines

End With

End Select

Next VBComp

End Sub
Some interesting replace Replace functions!

I tested some of them but didn't get anything like the speed improvements as
shown in the comparison table. Not much difference between them and the
built-in Replace function in VBA6. If anything some of those near the top of
the table seemed faster. This may be due to the difference of compiled VB6
vs VBA.

However they were all about 10x faster than Application.Substitute, which is
the normal method of Replace in XL97. If speed is consideration it would be
well worth using one of the simpler alternatives that do not require any of
the additional "doping" where indicated, eg Replace01, 02, 03

For use in Excel 97 change
Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare
Optional Compare As Long = vbBinaryCompare

I'd also rename the argument "Compare" to say "lngCompare"

If attempting to use the fastest (as indicated) class function in xl97,
Replace09, remove "Friend".

I'd definitely echo Jim's repost to Bernie's view of XL97 <g>

Peter T