Replace formula to text




I would like to replace a formula to the actual text of the formula. Fo E.G.
if I have in a cell "=A1", and I want to copy the formula to cell A25, it
will copy it like this, "=A25", but I want it to copy exactly like the
formula, "=A1". So how can I replace the formula in a cell to the actual text
of the formula without using a formula. Hope I'm explaining myself well, If
not ask please I'll explaine myself more. I need help on this. Thanks.

Mike H

I'm not completely sure I've understood but you could try this


This will remain as A1 no matter where you drag or copy it to.


Gary''s Student

Try this tiny UDF:

Function equation(r As Range) As String
equation = "'" & r.Formula
End Function

So if A1 contains


it will display 10

If you enter =equation(A1) in another cell is will display

Gord Dibben

Why do you want =A1 to be text?

I am guessing you want to copy the formula but not have it increment.

Change it to an Absolute formula

=$A$1 in E1 copied to L1 would be =$A$1

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks to all three of you. That should be fine.
Gord Dibben said:
Why do you want =A1 to be text?

I am guessing you want to copy the formula but not have it increment.

Change it to an Absolute formula

=$A$1 in E1 copied to L1 would be =$A$1

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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