replace a word with another word through out workbook



I am creating a workbook with multiple pages. I would like to type a company
name on the first page and have it placed in the middle of sentences through
out the work book.


One way would be to concatenate if Company Name is in A1.
=CONCATENATE("The best company is ",Sheet1!A1," based in San Jose.")
The best company is Smith Printing based in San Jose.


The best way is to use the & to connect strings

="My Company Name is " & Sheet1!A1

="Company " & Sheet1!A1 & "owes " & Sheet1!B2 & " Dollars"

Gord Dibben

Assuming "pages" are worksheets, you would need linking formulas in all
cells in which you would want the company name inserted.

="This is coming to you from " & Sheet1!A1 & " which is a great company"

To insert a text string into existing text strings would require VBA

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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