Repeating Bookmarks


Joseph N.

I cannot find the answer to what oughta be a fairly simple
operation, so I'd appreciate any instructions or pointers.

I have a couple of named bookmarks. Data will be pasted into the
areas defined by the bookmarks. I would also like to create fields
elsewhere in the document where the same data will be repeated. In
other words, there's a 'Name' bookmark where a name will be pasted,
and I need to have some places later in the doc where that name
will reappear.

When I try later in the doc to create a bookmark for 'Name,' Word
2002 moves the original bookmark instead of creating a copy. When
I look in the Fields dialog box, I did not notice another field
that would work as a placeholder for a different bookmark. So,
what do I do? This must be a fairly common need.

Bill Foley

Place your cursor where you want this bookmarked information to go. Click
"Insert", "Reference", "Cross Reference". Click the dropdown and select
"Bookmarks". Select your bookmark name, then click "Insert". Repeat in
other locations.

You will need to go into the properties of the original textfield and click
"Calculate on exit" so when you leave that field, the cross referenced
information will update.

Joseph N.

Place your cursor where you want this bookmarked information to
go. Click "Insert", "Reference", "Cross Reference". Click the
dropdown and select "Bookmarks". Select your bookmark name,
then click "Insert". Repeat in other locations.

Bill, I've been searching for that information for a year and a
half. Thanks so much for the assistance. One question, though:
You will need to go into the properties of the original
textfield and click "Calculate on exit" so when you leave that
field, the cross referenced information will update.

By "original textfield" I assume you mean the bookmark. I cannot
find a way in Wd2002 to get into its properties. How do I do that?

Bill Foley

I was assuming you were using form fields. Sounds like you merely have some
text bookmarked. With that setup, you just need to update fields. This can
be done by clicking CTRL+A to select all, and pressing F9. Fields also can
update by doing things like printing. You can also go into "Print Preview"
and back out to update fields. You could even create a toolbar button that
does it. To do that, right-click your toolbar area, click "Customize",
click the "Commands" TAB, select the "All Commands" category, scroll down
and select the "Update Fields" icon, drag it up to an existing toolbar and
release your mouse.

Have fun!

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