Repeating animation sequences



I'm trying to have a series of items crawl in, hold on the screen, and then ease out all together. This is two animation steps, an entry and an exit. And then I want that sequence to repeat itself several times, until the next slide is selected. Does anybody know how I can do that? Thanks for your help.

Troy @ TLC

You need to create a looping presentation. At this time, PPT does not
support looping animation sequences (individual animations yes, a sequence
of animations - no). A solution is to create a small looping presentation
that has your animations and link to this presentation. Here a good tutorial
on linking presentations:

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, inc.
troy at tlccreative dot com

BKelly said:
I'm trying to have a series of items crawl in, hold on the screen, and
then ease out all together. This is two animation steps, an entry and an
exit. And then I want that sequence to repeat itself several times, until
the next slide is selected. Does anybody know how I can do that? Thanks
for your help.

John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for


PowerPoint does not have the specific capability that you are looking for
through the user interface. Although in PowerPoint 2002 and PowerPoint 2003
you can, through the user interface, have each individual animation effect
loop continuously until end of slide you CANNOT combine/group a sequence of
animation effects and have that sequence loop continuously. Since Crawl In
and Ease Out out are two separate effects this is not currently possible.

However (for the courageous), this is possible through the object model for
PowerPoint 2002 and 2003 (see sample code at end of message).

If you (or anyone else reading this message) think that PowerPoint should
provide (through the user interace and not require VBA or add-ins) a way
combining animation sequences so that, for example, timings can be applied
to a sequence instead of just individual effects, don't forget to send your
feedback to Microsoft at:

As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

Sample code to add a looping Fade In and Out to the first shape on the
first slide:

============= Begin sample code ===============

Sub myLoopingFadeInOut()

Set currentShape = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)
Set effCustom =
rentShape, msoAnimEffectCustom, msoAnimateLevelNone,

With effCustom

' Set Visible Behavior: from 0 to 0.001
.Behaviors(1).SetEffect.To = 1 ' visible

' Fade In Behavior: from 0.001 to 2.499
.Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeFilter).FilterEffect.Type =
.Behaviors(2).FilterEffect.Reveal = msoTrue ' fade in
.Behaviors(2).Timing.TriggerDelayTime = "0.001"
.Behaviors(2).Timing.Duration = "2.499"

' Fade Out Behavior: from 2.5 to 4.999
.Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeFilter).FilterEffect.Type =
.Behaviors(3).FilterEffect.Reveal = msoFalse ' fade out
.Behaviors(3).Timing.TriggerDelayTime = "2.5"
.Behaviors(3).Timing.Duration = "2.499"

' Set Hidden Behavior: from 4.999 to 5.0
.Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeSet).SetEffect.Property = msoAnimVisibility
.Behaviors(4).Timing.Duration = "0.001"
.Behaviors(4).Timing.TriggerDelayTime = "4.999"
.Behaviors(4).SetEffect.To = 0 ' hidden

' Set overall delay and repeat count for custom effect
.Timing.TriggerDelayTime = "0.5"
.Timing.RepeatCount = 9999

End With 'effCustom

End Sub

============= End Sample Code ===============

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at:
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

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