Repeating a Power Point screen - clarification



How can I get a single PowerPoint slide to clear and then reanimate (same
text and timings) while the backround music continues to play? That is,
while the backround music continues to play (looping if necessary), the slide
will play, go blank and then reappear with the timing settings already in
I.E. Screen #1 is the "Welcoming screen" (program title page) with music
while the audience is arriving into the auditorium. I would like to have it
playing and have the title page go blank and then start over again.

Thanks again!


You will need custom show to keep the background music playing.
Make an additional slide before the welcome screen.
Then, click Slide Show > Custom Show.
Add the "welcome" slide into the custom show.
Now, close the custom show.
Go to the addtional slide, create an action button/hyperlink.
Have it link to the custom show. (Click action setting > "Hyperlink to:" >
Custom Show)
Go to the "welcome" slide. Add an exit effect on all the text and images so
that it will go blank. (If you just want a white/black screen, add one slide
with black or white background. Add it to the custom show also.)

Finally follow what John had said:
Click Slide Show > Set Up Show.
Select loop until escape.

The link I posted earlier has a ppt example that you can follow:

See if this helps. Feel free to post back if you need more clarification.
Site Updated: December 04, 2005
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