Repeater, Panel, dynamic user control - can't retrieve dynamic controls in code behind



I cut down the code to make this half way understandable... I have
read Data Grid girls caution about over use of dynamic controls. I
truly believe what I am doing requires dynamically inserted user

Worse I'm trying to add dynamic user controls from within a repeater
loop (looping through attributes)... I bind to a function in the code
behind and pass in the attribute.

<asp:repeater id="rAttributes" Runat="server">
<asp:panel id="attPanel" runat="server"></asp:panel>
<%# InsertAttributeControl(Container)%>

In the code behind I determine what type of attribute I'm dealing with
(polymorphism) and create the appropriate control to render it. I
create the control and insert it into a panel as google groups has

// Load the UserControl.
myLB theControl = (myLB)LoadControl("../Controls/myListBox.ascx");

if (theControl != null)
theControl.ID = "attControl";
theControl.DataSource = theEnumAtt.Enums;
theControl.DataTextField = "EnumName";
theControl.DataValueField = "EnumID";

// Add control to placeholder

the user updates the form and submits to a wired event..... I spin
through the repeater and get the panel (attPanel), but when I check
the attPanel.HasControls() and it returns false. It seems the dynamic
controls have disappeared.

foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rAttributes.Items)
// get controls
Panel attPanel = ((Panel)ri.FindControl("attPanel"));
myLB theAttEnum = ((myLB)attPanel.FindControl("attControl"));


Any ideas?




Are you recreating all the dynamic controls on postback? Because they won't
recreate themselves like the controls you hard coded in your .aspx - you
have to readd them manually.


If I recreate them I can repopulate them. But all I really want to do
is get the values from the first set and redirect to another page.
There is no error handling or posts back to the page for any reason.
How do I capture the values from the elements the first submit?

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