Repeater Access



I have a page with a Repeater control on it called Repeater1. On that page I
have a User Control I inserted using the HTML Method. Now I want to change
the Repeater's DataSource and then use DataBind method on it if a variable is
defined in the address bar. I've tried alot of things but so far no luck. The
main reason that I have the User Control is becuase it has all the database
controls (dbview, dataset, connection etc) and it also acts as a Menu that is
dynamicly generated based on a database query.

This Method Didn't work

This Function is in the WebForm1 where the Repeater is

public void RepeaterBinding(DataView dbDataViewSource)


Repeater1.DataSource = dbDataViewSource;



In the user control I tried doing this:

if(selectedcat != null)


string thefilter = "DownloadCategory= '"+selectedcat+"' ";

dbDataView.RowFilter = thefilter;

dbDataView.Table = dtDownloads;

DownloadScript.WebForm1 repeaterpage = new WebForm1();


Label1.Text = dbDataView.Table.Columns[0].ToString();


I get an error saying that there was no instance of an object.


A line # would help, with the corresponding line (for all I know, you don't
have something called Label1).

I definately see 1 problem. In the user control, to get a reference to the
page, do this:

WebForm1 repeaterPage = (WebForm1)Page;

as opposed to try and create a new instance of the page..


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