Renaming files consecutively with VBA

  • Thread starter Thread starter Denise Pollock
  • Start date Start date

Denise Pollock

I have a macro to move the files from one folder to an archive folder and
rename them with the modified date. However I have some users who are trying
to run the macro several times a day, I had added an exception that if the
file already existed to add a _01 on the end. Is there a way to make it so
the macro will count up from _01, _02, _03, etc when the file already exists
until it finds an unused number?

The code does a lot of other things as well, but this is the section I am
wanting to modify.

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 'for every file in the folder...
'parse the name in three pieces, file name middle and extension.
In between, insert the
'last modified date. Other options may be a native Date function
or a cell refernce to
'tag the renamed file in place of
=====Format(objFile.DateLastModified, "_mmm_dd_yy")===<<<<
'if strMid is not used, it can be removed or left as a null "" string

strName = Left(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - 4) 'remove
extension and leave name only
'strName = Range("A1") 'sample of renaming from cell A1, can by
used for strMid as well

strMid = Format(objFile.DateLastModified, "mm-dd-yy") 'insert and
format files date modified into name
'strMid = Format(Now(),"_mmm_dd_yy") 'sample of formatting the
current date into the file name

strExt = Right(objFile.Name, 4) 'the original file extension

strNewFileName = strName & strMid & strExt

strAltFileName = strName & strMid & "_01" & strExt

objFile.Move strDestFolder & "\" & strNewFileName

Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
If Err.Number = 58 Then
objFile.Move strDestFolder & "\" & strAltFileName
GoTo Continue
Why not just add in a time stamp:

strMid = Format(objFile.DateLastModified, "mm-dd-yy") & Format(Now, "-hh-mm-ss")

But this would be preferable, to allow sorting by name and getting the files sorted by date as well:
strMid = Format(objFile.DateLastModified, "yyyy-mm-dd") & Format(Now, "-hh-mm-ss")

MS Excel MVP
Thanks for the idea that would work. However my boss has now decided he does
not want to keep extra files for the same date and would rather they
overwrite. But I can't seem to figure out how to make it overwrite the file.
Since it is a move instead of a save turning the alerts off does not work.
Do you know what I have to change to make it overwrite the file if it already
Given your logic, I _think_ you could use the error handler to remove the original:

If Err.Number = 58 Then
Kill strDestFolder & "\" & strNewFileName
objFile.Move strDestFolder & "\" & strNewFileName

MS Excel MVP