Renamed aspx file in VS .NET 2005, now won't build


Brent White

The aspx file was originally default.aspx, but I'm putting some other
aspx files in that same virtual directory and I want to give it a more
meaningful name. I renamed default.aspx in the IDE to
CorporateSelectStates.aspx, and the file default.aspx.vb was renamed to

Now when I try to build, I get an error saying "The file
/CrystalReportsWebApplication1/Default.aspx.vb does not exist"

It refers to line 1 of the aspx file, but this is the aspx file in its
entirety (it's not a lot of code):

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeFile="CorporateSelectStates.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CR" Namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web"
Assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=10.2.3600.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" %>


<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Corporate Customer List</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1"
Runat="server" AutoDataBind="True"
Height="815px" CssFilename="/css/default.css"
ReportSourceID="CrystalReportSource2" Width="1200px"
PrintMode="ActiveX" />
<CR:CrystalReportSource ID="CrystalReportSource2"
runat="server" GroupPath="">
<Report FileName="CorporateCustomerListSelectState.rpt">


There is a class "_default" in the aspx.vb file, so I knwo it's not
that. What did I do wrong or is this a bug in VS .NET 2005?

Juan T. Llibre

That's what happens when you inherit from a non-existing object.

Replace all instances of "Default" with "CorporateSelectStates"
in both the aspx *and* in the codebehind, and it will compile OK.

That would include renaming "_Default" to "_CorporateSelectStates"

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
Foros de ASP.NET en Español :

Guadala Harry

<< I probably would have done that eventually anyway >>

What's that supposed to mean?

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