Removing Gridlines in excel, from another application



Hi All
I need to run a VBA macro in Business Objects that saves an excel file
under a certain name - based upon todays date (i.e.
filename&todaysdate&.xls) then opens that same file, and does a few
basic formatting things to it in the background (i.e. removes all grid
lines, zooms out to 85% etc).
Whenever i try to do anything like this it seems to have problems with
being an active application, or also when i record a macro and use the
code from that to change zoom levels, it does that with the active
window, and i dont know how to make excel the active window (id prefer
not to have to make it active, and have it working in the background)
Any suggestions would be brilliant.


As above, the macro below works to save a file in Business Objects, then
open it in an excel application, where i want to do some basic
formatting changes.
The changes i cnat make it do are removing gridlines, and changing the
zoom settings it say 85%, as when i record a macro these are done using
the 'activewindow' aspect - and i cant make excel the active window!!!
(have left the activewindow.gridlines in as an example, but it wont

Sub GoodrichExport()

ActiveDocument.SaveAs ("\\lvl-x-user\Crossgate Shared Area\Corporate
Sales\Tim\" & "Tim" & "_" & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & ".xls")
Set xlsApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlsApp.Visible = True
xlsApp.Workbooks.Open ("\\lvl-x-user\Crossgate Shared Area\Corporate
Sales\Tim\" & "Tim" & "_" & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & ".xls")

With xlsApp

ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

End With

End Sub

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