Removing e-mail adresses from the select names field



I was once again looking to see how to remove the fax #'s from the select
names field in Outlook... Having recently upgraded to Office 2007 I was sure
this feature would now be included.

Since this is a known option that many people would use - why has this not
been incorporated into the Outlook product.

I know there are utilities out there that will accomplish this - however I
just paid hundreds of dollars for this software suite - I do not think it be
unreasonable to expect that the product would include functionality that the
average user would desire.


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Brian Tillman

GoldenBoy said:
I know there are utilities out there that will accomplish this -
however I just paid hundreds of dollars for this software suite - I
do not think it be unreasonable to expect that the product would
include functionality that the average user would desire.

Is it your contention that the average user has no need to send a fax with
Outlook? Why do you believe you can speak for the average user?



If your question is: Do I feel that the average user would like the OPTION
to not have the fax numbers in the list when he/she is composing and
e-mail... I would say yes.

Of course some users send faxes from Outlook - Obviously I can't speak for
everyone - Nor can you... But, this user would like the option to turn this
feature off. The fact that add-ins exist to perform this function leads me to
believe I am not alone.

Brian Tillman

GoldenBoy said:
If your question is: Do I feel that the average user would like the
OPTION to not have the fax numbers in the list when he/she is
composing and e-mail... I would say yes.

I'm an average user and since I don't want that turned off, your contention
that the average user wants it is clearly mistaken. Certainly YOU want the
ability to turn it off, but that's as much as you can claim.
Of course some users send faxes from Outlook - Obviously I can't
speak for everyone - Nor can you...

Well, I wasn't the one claiming to speak for the average user.

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