I am looking to exclude a specific item from my query that is based on multiple fields. For example if I have a database of cars, greatly larger than shown below:
Make Color
Ford Red
Toyota Blue
Chevy Green
Ford Black
I can't get Access to exclude only red and blue Fords.
My criteria is: Make: Not Like "Ford" | Color: Not Like "Red" And Not Like "Blue"
When I run the query it excludes all red and blue cars.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Make Color
Ford Red
Toyota Blue
Chevy Green
Ford Black
I can't get Access to exclude only red and blue Fords.
My criteria is: Make: Not Like "Ford" | Color: Not Like "Red" And Not Like "Blue"
When I run the query it excludes all red and blue cars.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!