Remove program from Windows registry



I need to remove a program that I installed from the Wondows registry. I
realize that playing around in the registry is risky, but is there an easy
way to just remove a program from the registry? (PS I can see the program I
want to remove in Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, but I can't seem to
remove it from there, so I suppose the registry is where I need to remove
it). I'm running WinXP Pro.


No you should not remove it from the Registry. The best way to uninstall a
bad program that won't cooperate is to reinstall it to restore the uninstall
files, reboot and then use Add remove to uninstall. If it still won't
uninstall, remove it manually by deleting the folders for that program. Leave
the Registry alone. Uninstalled programs stay visible in the Registry but
don't run. If you said what program it is, we could help more. You could also
use System restore to go back to before you installed the program if it was a
recent installation.


I tried to reinstall with the original CD, but instead of reinstalling, it
asks me if I want to uninstall, to which i say yes, but then it doesn't
uninstall. I also wnet to Program Files and manually deleted the progrma
folder, but still have the same problem. I even downloaded the latest driver
for the program, and tried to install those, but it also askd me if i want to
uninstall, then it can't. So no matter what i try, it asks me if i want to
unistall, then doesn't let me. The program is a D-Link wireless network
adapter for my laptop.

Rick Rogers

Hi Peter,

It probably won't install because it's active. Start/run msconfig and check
the startup tab for the entry that loads that software. It may be here or it
may be registered as a service. Disable it, then reboot and retry
uninstalling the software.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


Hi Rick-
Thanks for yuor advice. I tried what you suggested. Start/run/msconfig,
found D-Link in the Startup tab. I disabled it and restarted, and still have
the same problem, i.e. i then went to Control Panel/Add/Remove programs,
tried to uninstall D-link, and it will still not uninstall. Any other ideas?


Rick said:
Hi Peter,

What precisely is it telling you when you try to uninstall it?
Hello Rick,
It looks like I have exactly the same problem Peter does. I can't get
rid of a [program called AVG Free. It is making me unhappy with all the
information windows and I would like to take it out of my system.
Here is what I get when I use the add/remove programs:

Uninstall Failed
1 error occurred. Click Details to show more information.
If problem persists please try to find the solution on http....etc

Installer initialization failed due to following error:
Undefined error: Evaluating of condition
cond_Operation_Custom_InstallAndEmail failed.
Evaluating of condition cond_InstallAvgRsW_File failed.
Evaluating of condition cond_MinifilterPresent failed.
Evaluating of condition cond_WinVista_ failed.
Invalid version value.

Their help site is a nightmare, everything except how to uninstall AVG

Ralphael, the OLD one


Hi Rick-
I don't really get an error message per say... when I selcect the program
from Control Panle/Add/Remove Programs, it asks me if I want to uninstall. I
click yes, then a window opens up, and it begins to do its thing, like it
normally would, then the window closes, as it normally would. Usually at this
point you can see that the program is no longer in the Add/Remove list (if it
has been properly removed). In my case the program is still there in the
Add/remove list. It never goes away.
Hope this helps...

Rick Rogers


Have you tried reinstalling it first?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -

Ralphael1 said:
Rick said:
Hi Peter,

What precisely is it telling you when you try to uninstall it?
Hello Rick,
It looks like I have exactly the same problem Peter does. I can't get
rid of a [program called AVG Free. It is making me unhappy with all the
information windows and I would like to take it out of my system.
Here is what I get when I use the add/remove programs:

Uninstall Failed
1 error occurred. Click Details to show more information.
If problem persists please try to find the solution on http....etc

Installer initialization failed due to following error:
Undefined error: Evaluating of condition
cond_Operation_Custom_InstallAndEmail failed.
Evaluating of condition cond_InstallAvgRsW_File failed.
Evaluating of condition cond_MinifilterPresent failed.
Evaluating of condition cond_WinVista_ failed.
Invalid version value.

Their help site is a nightmare, everything except how to uninstall AVG

Ralphael, the OLD one

Rick Rogers

Hi Peter,

Does the program still work? The uninstall routine may simply be failing to
remove the registry entry that lists it in Add & Remove.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -

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