Remove html markup tags in an EXCEL cell?



I have a worksheet containing text extracted from a web page that stil
includes html markup tags, or example <BR>, <font etc and all the othe
normal html markup codes. This is stored inside an EXCEL text cell. Th
rest of the Worksheet contains normal text, numberic and date data
Does anyone please know a way to automatically strip out all of th
html markup tags from the single column that I have with these in
whilst leaving the rest of the worksheet unaffected? Many thanks if yo
can help solve this knotty little proble


i assume the text is in a normal cell or do you mean a text box?I tried a
little test with find and replace and find <*> and in the replace box leave
blank /replace all


Thanks Paul. Unfortunately your suggested solution does not achieve the
desired goal. The problem is that the text contained in the EXCEL cell
(I have tried with both General and with text format) can contain up to
1500 - 2000 characters distributed into several hundred words. The
overall EXCEL .xls file is about 10 MB size, and contains about 3000
rows with up to 17 coloumns. Trying your replace <*> trick just on the
column that I am trying to strip the html markupo from in EXCEL gives
me an error meaasage saying 'Formula is too long'. Importing the whole
..xls file into ACCESS, and trying the same replace operation on the
column in question also gives an ACCESS error: 'There isn't enough free
memory to continue the search'

So, the resolution to this problem is a little appears to be a little
more subtle than a simple replace <*>, and is presumably related to the
size of the information in the cell. I am running on XP with a pentium
laptop with 1 GB of physical RAM, with about 600 MBytes which is free
of other processes (and hence available to EXCEL in principal), and 2.2
GBytes of free page file space.

Many thanks for any futher suggestions to help solve this problem

Glenn White


maybe break the text into smaller "chunks or ry pasting into word to see if
you can do it there and paste back

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