Remove Extra Carriage Returns



The data I'm working with has memo fields with lots of trailing
carriage returns. I want to get rid of them. I'm using VBA. Is there a
RTrim type function that would get rid of carriage returns?



You need to use the Replace() function.


Look it up in the help for more options/information.


Douglas J. Steele

Of course, that will also remove any carriage returns inside the text.

Also, the syntax for the Replace function is Replace(TextToChange, vbCrLf,

John W. Vinson

The data I'm working with has memo fields with lots of trailing
carriage returns. I want to get rid of them. I'm using VBA. Is there a
RTrim type function that would get rid of carriage returns?


It would be a bit tedious, but an Update query updating the field to

Left([fieldname], Len ([fieldname]) - 2)

with a query criterion on the field of

LIKE "*" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

would trim off the last CrLf in the field. Running the query repeatedly
(perhaps from code) would nibble them all off eventually.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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