Remote procedure Call?! Help!



i recieve this message everytime i go on my computer!

---->Windows must now restart because the remote
procedure call(RPC) services terimated unexpectedly.

I have no idea what to do! or i don't know where to call
for help!...
neone help meeeeeeee!!


Julia --

Apparently, your computer has an unwelcome visitor (VIRUS) known
as the WM32 Blaster/Lovsan worm.

It entered your computer through your internet connection because the "firewall"
was not properly enabled and essential critical updates were not installed from
the Windows Update website. For instructions on fixing the problem, visit:

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm

Remove W32.MSBlast.Worm

If your computer is constantly attempting to shutdown
or reboot, quickly go to:

Start > Run and type: shutdown -a , and hit enter.

This should halt the rebooting problem.

Then immediately turn-on Windows XP's built-in Firewall:

How do I turn on the Firewall?

**** IMPORTANT ****

Visit this web site if you experience difficulty installing
Windows XP Security Patch 823980:

How To Fix The Cryptographic Service Error



| i recieve this message everytime i go on my computer!
| ---->Windows must now restart because the remote
| procedure call(RPC) services terimated unexpectedly.
| I have no idea what to do! or i don't know where to call
| for help!...
| neone help meeeeeeee!!

The Reverend XP

You have the LovSan Virus. The first thing to do is go
into your services (start\control panel\administrative
tools\services) and right click on the RPC and then click
properties and then the recovery tab and until you get rid
of the virus change all the recovery options in each lines
drop down list to Restart the service. This will stop your
system from constant restarts. Then look for the following
items in your System32 folder and delete each one if you
have them. msblast.exe,
drv.dll,yuetyutr.dll. Then go to a site like and use there automatic scanner to dig
out any remaining reg entries. Good luck.

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