Remote Instruction via Email?


Ultra Kiasu

Is there any nice freeware utility which I can send email with
instructional content to my home pc running some kinda freeware daemon
service, to perform administrative tasks? I don't need GUI.

Perform simple task like launching apps, perform reboot, copy and
delete files. Of course, with basic security protection.

Netmeeting and VNC are nice, but quite cumbersome to custom configure
for multiple PC connected to a single home broadband router.

My office only had strict limited outgoing ports opened.
I had only standard FTP and Web browsing privileges, and can send

Any good recommendation, and freeware for home use.

Thanks in advance.



PS: Appreciate if could CC a email copy of your newspost.


I used to use a program call Poppy (I think) that would check my email
and could run programs depending on the subject line and incoming email
I suggest looking at the many mail checkers out there.


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