Remote Desktop will Not Re-Connect after initial session.




I have a few PC's set up at home, but one of them is showing an annoying
problem that i cannot resolve.

I use Win2K3_Ent to remote desktop into WinXP pro and the first session
connects no problem and I can control the machine perferctly. If i close the
Remote Desktop MMC on Win2K3 machine and then go back to it later it will not
let me re-connect to the XP machine. The other machine i remote into are ok.

On the XP machine i am getting the following Event Viewer Error;
Under SYSTEM, TermServ Error 1037 and the details display 'Terminal Server
session creation failed. The relevant status code was 0xC0000037'

I have configured the Terminal Services Service to restart on failure and
then reboot the machine on subsequent failures, this does not happen though.
I need to manually reboot and then i can reconnect no problem.

Any ideas?

Mark Dormer

Is the machine in question a member of the domain?

If not try turning off Fast User Switching and see if the issue is resolved.

Mark Dormer

Bill Sanderson

I'm trying to recall if this is one of the symptoms caused by video drivers?
May be worth checking whether the video driver on that machine can be


Might you by any chance be running Webroot's Spy Sweeper on the Host PC? I
have the same issue but only when Spy Sweeper is installed.


The Q

I do have the some problem it seems that the Spy Sweeper was running
Damn those deals at Best Buy past Black Friday - lmao...
Anyone figured it out what is the fix ?

My best!
the Q Master

The Q

Anyone figured this one out ?

In the desktop log, where the terminal services are running I'm getting
this event

Event Type: Error
Event Source: TermService
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1036
Date: 3/17/2005
Time: 6:15:42 PM
User: N/A
Computer: TAURUS
Terminal Server session creation failed. The relevant status code was

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