remote desktop viewing from IE plugin?



hi all,

I want to develop an IE plugin that will allow me to view
the activities on a desktop from a remote location, like a
web meeting tool (ala NetMeeting or WebEx). I'm only
interested in viewing the activities of some other
person's desktop through my IE browser, but not
controlling the remote desktop.

can any suggest me how to go for it.
any suggestion most appricated.


Fitim Skenderi

Hi kirang,

If your remote machine has IIS installed, then you could grab the screen and
save it to file as jpg, then create a small html file that displays the
grabbed image. You could make the html file refresh itself every x seconds.
This is possibly not the best but certainly the easiest way of doing it.

If you need more functionallity and higher speed then check VNC. It is an
opensource application similar to PC anywhere.


Fitim Skenderi

kiran Gadekar

Hi Fitim,
Thanx for UR help,
Speed does matters in my application, since i don't have to go for other
advance funcionality like webex or netmeeting.
I am just interested in remote desktop capture as mentioned in previous
mail. Does it possible with c# and dotnet remoting or i have go for the
win32 api for optimised capturing sending the data through the network.



Fitim Skenderi

Hi Kiran,

First of all, if you use remoting, then you would need .NET framework on
client machine as well. And unless you write some code to handle .NET
remotingon IE, IE on its own won't be able to recognise .NET remote objects.

You can grab the screen using c#, because you would use win API anyway,
since there are no classes in .NET that allow you to capture screen. As far
as sending data through network, I don't think you will gain much by using
winsock API, since the speed of the processor will be far higher that the
speed of the network card.


Fitim Skenderi

kiran Gadekar

Hi Fitim,
Thanx for UR reply,
as per UR suggestion if I write a dll which will do the screen capture
using win32 api's (a flat c++ dll). Hope this will a fast method to
captire the screen. then question remains how can i send this data
through the network, ie which is the most optimised way to do that?
Since i have got one restriction for that i should open a seperate port
for this communication. I have to work on HTTP connection and port 80
only. Can U please suggest any way to do that.


kiran Gadekar

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