Remote Desktop Printer Problem


Joe Murphy

When I connect to an XP pc remotely it wont print to my Canon 1210 Laser
printer locally.

It connects it when I make a remote connection
but I keep getting "The document failed to print"
Document name - "Local Downlevel Document"

The correct XP driver for the Canon is installed remotely.
I have tried all the ports - TS001 to TS004

Any ideas??

Bill Sanderson


Joe Murphy


Windows XP at both ends.
Latest driver at both ends.
Printer is USB
In ports on local pc it is USB001
TS001 to 4 remotely.
Prints fine locally.
Same problem remotely.
Would a HP Laser printer work better?
Is LPT or USB better for this type of printing?

Bill Sanderson

LPT seems to be less problematic in terms of redirection, but results should
be equally good.

Your printer is interesting because in the US it is sold as an HP
model--LaserJet 1200, judging by appearances, anyway. And I've used one on
an RD client, and can recall having some problems--but not the details.

I did get it to work, in the end. I was printing from a Windows 2000 host
to an XP Pro client. My vagure recollection is that I was working via RDP
inside a PPTP VPN to the server. In the end, I opened direct RDP to the
server, shut down the VPN, and then found that printing worked--which makes
no sense to me at all--may have been an accident of timing, rather than a

The printer I use at home--HP CP 1160, connects by USB001, and I've had zero
problems with using it via RDP--so I can't blame that type of connection.

And I have testimonials here that the low-end $200 HP laserjet which
connects using a DOT4 USB port also works fine once you make the registry
change to allow the DOT4 port to be redirected.

I do have a number of these HP 1200's in an office I can test with, but I'm
not likely to be able to do such testing in the next week, I'm afraid.

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