Remote Desktop access must lock local console session?


Joseph Geretz

I'm using Remote Desktop Connection to connect to the desktop of a Win2003
server on my network. I have a two questions.

1. When I connect, the console session at the physical server is locked.
Does this have to happen? I thought that one scenario for remote desktop
connection was for support. How can meaningful support be delivered, if the
local user can't see what the remote support person is doing?

2. If this is the way it is, then is there any way to have the local console
session unlock, when the remote user signs out of the desktop? I've tried
both disconnecting and logging off, but neither of these has the desired

Thanks for your help!

- Joe Geretz -

Shane \(Frontline PC\)

Sounds like you are confusing remote desktop with remote assistance. With
remote assistance both can see what is happening and a person is required at
each end. with remote desktop you can log on to your desktop privately
without the need for someone at the other end to let you in.

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