Remote another objects in a another applications



Dear All...
Is it possible to control or to remote another objects in another msaccess
application from the current msacces applications, that opens in the same
time. I had a form to edit some records, and I want to display the results in
the other form in the other applications and in the same time I could also
control/remote that application like open or close forms or other objects.
Currently I'm using dual monitors that attached to one computer but located
in different rooms.

Is it make any sense?...

I've already knew how to remote one object from another in one same
application, but it is possible if there's objects in two or more

Jeff Boyce


We're not there, so you'll need to do a bit more (rudimentary) explaining of
what you want to accomplish.

Your description focused more on "how" you are trying to do something, but
not much on the underlying business need that doing that would solve.


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor


The basic question is how to control objects in (msaccess) application from
another (mssaccess) application.

If you asked me why I wanted to do that, because I've been developing two
apps, using one database. First app display in a monitor in front of me, and
the second app display in a monitor in another room. Those two monitors
attached to one computer (cpu) only, using dual monitor (I assumed you knew
how to use dual monitors, but if you don't, maybe this site can help : ).

Because I couldn't see those two monitors in the same time, so I need to
control/remote the second app from the first app, like open or close objects.

Please forgive me of my late response, because currently I have some trouble
in my internet connection. In fact if you find another reply of your response
from me, because I had try to sent a reply, but it seems to be failed to
sent to the web.
I hope this one were succesfully send.

Thanks, I hope it could explain my earlier thread.


Please don't give up on me ...
What parts tah you don't understand

Please forgive me, sometime I had language difficulties, I live in
Indonesia, and I don't use English as my native language, so sometime I have
problem to explain something, or to writ down my thought. But I don't have
problems to understand.

Or anyone please......???

Jeff Boyce

You've described "remoting" and having "two monitors" and multiple
applications. I don't understand why you need multiple applications. In
order to come up with ideas of "how" to do something, I need a bit more
understanding of "why" you are doing something (and "what" that something
is). For example, some people use a relational database (like Access) to
manage sporting events. What are you using Access to do?


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor


I see.....
I'm trying to build an application for a health clinic....
They need an application to call the patients by name, beside using voice
they also want to use visual.

They want to controls the patient's call from inside the observation room,
then the list of patient's names displays in the waiting room next to the
observation room.

Like I wrote before about two monitors, that the 1st monitor was the one
inside the observation room, and the 2nd monitor was the one to displays in
the waiting room. And those two monitors are attached to one computer only,
using "dual monitors".

So I thought I'm gonna need (at least) two applications to display in each

I hope I have provide enough information for you to understand the situation.

Thank you

Jeff Boyce

I don't have any experience having Access display two different forms on two
different monitors, but I'm sure you can find that either in this newsgroup
or in one of the forms-related newsgroups. I'll recommend that you repost,
but with a more complete description of "why" and "what" to start with --
that way, more (and new) eyes will see it.

By the way, I DON'T believe you need to use two applications to do what
you've described. I suspect you can have a single application have one
"window"/form open on the observation room PC and a different one show on
the waiting room monitor ... that's because I know it is possible to have
one application show more than one window/form.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor


OK... thanks for the recommendation to repost new question...
I'll will try it.

But if don't mind, can you explain what you mean about :
By the way, I DON'T believe you need to use two applications to do what
you've described. I suspect you can have a single application have one
"window"/form open on the observation room PC and a different one show on
the waiting room monitor ... that's because I know it is possible to have
one application show more than one window/form.

I don't really understand what it means.
What I know that in msaccess, all forms always be open in one application
window, not like visual basic's forms which do not need main application
window, but forms can open separately



Hi Bobby,
You could have a table containing the name if the person you wish to call in
database 1.

Then have database 2 have a link table displaying the name from the link
table in a form.

Then have database 2's form have a timer event so it refreshes every few

Have database 1 delete and append the new persons name into the table, and a
few seconds later it will appear in database 2.

Hope this makes sense.


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