.ReminderTime inconsistancy


Question Boy

Below is an extra of a function I am using to update a task item in Outlook

With olTask
.Subject = sSubject 'Reminder's subject line
.Body = sBody 'Reminder's body text
.ReminderSet = True 'Set a reminder or not
.ReminderTime = Format(DueDt, "mm/dd/yyyy") & " 09:00 AM" 'Reminder
date and time
.DueDate = DueDt 'Remindeer's due date
.Save 'Actually save the new created
End With

My question is, although both the remindertime and duedate are based on the
same variable, why does it not set the remindertime properly? If let's say
the due date is 03/05/2009 it sets the remindertime to /03/07/2009 9:00AM. i
have done numerous test I cannot find a patern to the offset, sometimes
ahead, other time after...

Anyone have an explanation for this weird occurance?

Thank you


Question Boy

I have even tried hard-coding

..ReminderTime = Now()

and even that generates random dates with the current time?


Question Boy

I don't understand it, but I have identified the fact that when creating a
new Task one must first set the ReminderTime and then The DueDate otherwise
it throws and error.

However, when performing an update to an existing task the inverse is true.
one must specify the DueDate followed by the ReminderTime otherwise the
ReminderTime get messed up??!

I'll tell you these types of very weird particularities make coding so much

If I explicitly set parameter values, why oh why would Outlook modify them?


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