Reminders for Shared Calendars



I am wondering if it is possible to setup a shared calendar for 3 separate
users and setup reminders for due projects but also have the reminders pop up
on all three users calendar just to cover ourselves for these deadlines in
case one user was out of the office for a period of time.

Oliver Vukovics

Please don´t make any crosspostings in different NGs.

Your question was answered in another NG.

Brian Tillman

Oliver Vukovics said:
Please don´t make any crosspostings in different NGs.

Crossposting is OK. Multiposting is what should be avoided. That said, the
message to which you responded appears to have been multiposted.

Oliver Vukovics

Hi Brian,

at first thank you for the explanation

As a german I have to learn the difference between different word and
different NGs..

I saw the identical question in 2 different newsgroups, so I thought it was
a "crossposting" and I thought a crossposting in NGs is not OK.

I found this part of "Netikette" on a german microsoft website:;DE;NGNetikette

Versenden Sie keine Multipostings oder Crosspostings
Geben Sie beim Posten einer Nachricht nicht unnötig mehrere Newsgroupnamen
als Ziel an (Crossposting). Stellen Sie Ihr Posting auch nicht nacheinander
in verschiedene Newsgroups (Multiposting). Neben der längeren Downloadzeit
nervt es die User, die in mehreren Newsgroups mitlesen, wenn sie immer
wieder auf dasselbe Posting stoßen.

English "translation":
Do not dispatch Multipostings or Crosspostings
If you post a message do not make unnecessarily the same posting in several
newsgroup (Crossposting). Do not place your posting also successively into
different newsgroup (Multiposting). Apart from the longer "download time" it
disturbs the users, who read in several newsgroup, if they have to read the
same posting again and again.

So microsoft write (in Germany) that Crosspostings and Multipostings are not
OK. Is it different in english newsgroups because english newsgroups were
more flexible/tolerant?

Oliver Vukovics
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Brian Tillman

Oliver Vukovics said:
So microsoft write (in Germany) that Crosspostings and Multipostings
are not OK. Is it different in english newsgroups because english
newsgroups were more flexible/tolerant?

Microsoft owns the newsserver, so they can decide what
rules they want when posting to that server. In USENET in general, though,
crossposting (i.e., posting the exact same message to multiple newsgroups
simultaneously) is considered acceptable provided the number of groups is
limited. Multiposting (i.e., posting the same or a similar message to
multiple groups one group at a time) is not acceptable. Newsreaders
recognize crossposts as being the same message and when it marks the message
as read in one group, it marks them as read in all groups so that the reader
doesn't have to see it more than once. Multiposts, however, appear to be
distinct posts and the newsreader treats them as such, showing each.

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