Relocate Value Axis Title



I an having issues with the value axis title appearing in different locations
depending on jow many data series are in a chart. I have tried a few things,
most recently the following line of code:

ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Left = ActiveChart.PlotArea.Left + 10

It works about 90% of the time. When I increased the number of data series
to seven, the title is back inside the plot area.
Any suggestions?

Jon Peltier

What version of Excel?

On occasion with chart VBA, it helps to run the command twice, that's right,
copy the line and paste it right after itself, so it executes twice.

- Jon


Thanks, Jon.
I am using XP, my client has 2003.
I'll try out your suggestion.
Great website, by the way!

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