Release configuration is missing in VS2005



I have developed an web site in VS2005 but I can't build a release
version since the option is missing in the configuration manager. The
second thing is that there isn't a bin folder placed in my project.
Anybody knows how to solve this.

Teemu Keiski


there is no release Configuration because VS2005 does not handle the
compilation with ASP.NET. All compilation is delegated to ASP.NET runtime
and therefore what impacts on the final configuration is what you have in
<compilation> element (web.config). For the same reason there's no Bin
folder (ASP.NET 2.0 does support it, but does not compile there by
default). You get the files for deployment by using precompilation for
deployment and/or new web deployment project

Here's a article which explains these to you:

Debug And Release Builds in ASP.NET 2.0

Note. MS has just announced that they bring A web project model to VS2005
which makes it possible to work in "VS2003 way" e.g compile all code to bin
and so on.

New Web Project Model Option Coming for VS 2005


Thanks Teemu,
I will read the article and try "the new way"

Teemu Keiski skrev:

Mark Rae

Note. MS has just announced that they bring A web project model to VS2005
which makes it possible to work in "VS2003 way" e.g compile all code to
bin and so on.

Will it also have the facility to exclude files / folders from the project
but still reference them on disk like VS2003 had...?

Teemu Keiski

Hmm...isnt that what they fixed for the VS2005 RTM, where you can exclude
files from a project (which was broken in beta 2? If you want to exclude a
folder from build, you might want to look for web deployment projects. See
the links above, and don't hesitate to ask on that ScottGu's blog post. It
was announced just so all I know is on that post.

Or if I misunderstood your question, please clarify.


Mark Rae

Hmm...isnt that what they fixed for the VS2005 RTM, where you can exclude
files from a project (which was broken in beta 2?

In the release version if you exclude a file such as Web.config, it gets
renamed to Web.config.exclude, so the whole thing stops working.

In VSNET2003, you excluded a file so that it wouldn't get deployed with the
solution every time - e.g. images, PDFs etc - but they were not renamed so
that the project would still continue to work because the files themselves
were still physically on the hard disk...

Teemu Keiski

Ah I see,

Based on this explanation

2) All files contained within the project are defined within a project file
(as well as the assembly references and other project meta-data settings).
Files under the web's file-system root that are not defined in the project
file will not be logically considered part of the web project. You will
also now be able to define classes and types anywhere in the project
structure (there is no longer a need to define them under app_code).

since the project file is back with the ASP.NET Web project, I'd understand
that it would be so.

Teemu Keiski
ASP.NET MVP, AspInsider
Finland, EU

I'd understand that yes

Mark Rae

since the project file is back with the ASP.NET Web project, I'd
understand that it would be so.

I sincerely hope so.

A lot of my work involves maintaining web sites for bands, so lots of JPEGs,
MP3s etc... It's really irritating to be obliged to deploy over 100Mb of web
files every time I make even the smallest change to the site e.g. when I add
another news item or concert review etc...

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