Relative referencing in Microsoft Excel between worksheets



I'm sort of stumped with a problem I'm having with how to reference between
several Excel worksheets.

I have a folder that, at its base, has a worksheet, there are several
folders at this level that have Excel worksheets in them as well going in two
levels. All of these documents refer to the worksheet at the root of the
file however, I'm trying to zip these up and send them to a client so they
can play with the numbers in the root file.

However, all of the worksheets refer to the root worksheet absolutely, so,
if I were to zip it up and send it, it wouldn't work. How can I refer to a
worksheet relatively in Excel or how would it be best to transport these
sorts of files?



I read through that and it doesn't really help me in that, whenever I
rereference the links, it then automatically makes them absolute so I can't
seem to force relative links to work.

Bernie Deitrick

The links may look absolute (in the formula), but they are really relative,
unless you use UNC paths. (Storage of paths is different than display of
paths.) You need to have the same folder structure - but probably the
simplest thing to do is to open all the files, save them each (through
Excel) into just one folder, close them, and then copy them all in the one

MS Excel MVP

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