Related Button has disapeard



It's also not a button I can add when I right click and choose customize.
The other options are present but not "related sites"
I've searched high and low - tried reinstalling - with no avail.
Does anyone know a safe regisrty hack to bring back the "Show Related Links"

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

jymt said:
It's also not a button I can add when I right click and choose customize.
The other options are present but not "related sites"
I've searched high and low - tried reinstalling - with no avail.
Does anyone know a safe regisrty hack to bring back the "Show Related
Links" button?

""Related" toolbar icon is missing. How to restore it?"
"Add "Show Related Links" to Internet Explorer ".
HTH ;-)


jymt said:
It's also not a button I can add when I right click and choose
The other options are present but not "related sites"
I've searched high and low - tried reinstalling - with no avail.
Does anyone know a safe regisrty hack to bring back the "Show Related

Probably because you ran anti-spyware and blindly let it make its
proposed changes, like eradicating the Alexa "Related" toolbar item.
The anti-spyware program may provide an Undo or Restore function to undo
the changes it made (but it may undo them all instead of letting you
select which one to undo).

Have you actually used the Related toolbar button? Have you compared
its output against Google Toolbar's "Page Info, Similar Pages" function?
Just like Alexa, the page info (Page Rank and Page Info functions) have
their privacy concerns, too, since the links they provide have you go
through Google's servers so they can update this information for you and
other users looking for similar pages or how often those pages are
accessed. They tell you about this in their Privacy Policy.

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