reinstalling xp



i want to continue with vista, but it is just too slow for me right
work that was taking 4 hours is now taking 6-8 basically because i
spend so much time waiting for my computer to catch up.
i guess i will have to wait to use vista until either the service
packs make a noticeable dent in the slowness of it, OR more likely...
i can upgrade the computer to something faster.

xp wouldn't recognize one of my discs, because it wasn't formatted for
vista.... so i had to move all the data off, reformat the drive and
then move all the data back on.
but i am wondering if the drives formatted for vista will be a

can i reinstall XP professional on these drives that were formatted
for vista?


i guess i will have to wait to use vista until either the service
packs make a noticeable dent in the slowness of it, OR more likely...
i can upgrade the computer to something faster.

What kind of specs does your PC have? If your PC is older, Vista will
run slower, because it is so big on RAM and hard disk usage. Low
memory and slower hard drives won't do it any good, and no magical
code from Microsoft will fix a slow hard drive. XP doesn't notice it
quite so much since it doesn't cache so much.

On any PC made in the last year or so, with preferably more than 1GB
of RAM and a 7200RPM hard drive should run Vista acceptably. I ran
Vista X64 on my year-old Dell laptop with 2GB RAM and a 7200RPM hard
drive, and I had no complaints.
xp wouldn't recognize one of my discs, because it wasn't formatted for
vista.... so i had to move all the data off, reformat the drive and
then move all the data back on.
but i am wondering if the drives formatted for vista will be a

This makes no sense. XP can't possibly know about "formatted for
Vista" hard drives because first, XP came out before Vista, and
second, there is no such thing as a "formatted for Vista" hard drive.
Both operating systems use NTFS for their file system, which hasn't
changed in any substantial way. Some new stuff was added, but for all
intents and purposes, if you format a disk with Vista, XP will be able
to read it.

Mick Murphy

In your bios, set the boot menu to boot from CD/DVD drive with XP disk in it.
Follow instructions to delete vista partition, formatt, and then install XP.

If it is not recognising a hard drive, it could be looking for a driver if
it is a SATA drive.


What kind of specs does your PC have? If your PC is older, Vista will
run slower, because it is so big on RAM and hard disk usage. Low
memory and slower hard drives won't do it any good, and no magical
code from Microsoft will fix a slow hard drive. XP doesn't notice it
quite so much since it doesn't cache so much.

On any PC made in the last year or so, with preferably more than 1GB
of RAM and a 7200RPM hard drive should run Vista acceptably. I ran
Vista X64 on my year-old Dell laptop with 2GB RAM and a 7200RPM hard
drive, and I had no complaints.

i built mine as a workstation about 6-7 years ago. it is older but was
an absolute monster at the time
dual athlon 1.8s and 2 gigs of ram

and i upgraded all the periphs for vista too,
i went through some of the performance tweaks, turned off aero, etc
but sadly it is still just too slow.
This makes no sense. XP can't possibly know about "formatted for
Vista" hard drives because first, XP came out before Vista, and
second, there is no such thing as a "formatted for Vista" hard drive.
Both operating systems use NTFS for their file system, which hasn't
changed in any substantial way. Some new stuff was added, but for all
intents and purposes, if you format a disk with Vista, XP will be able
to read it.

my bad, sorry.. VISTA didn't recognize one of the drives......
the drive was NTFS but was ... i forget the term... offline or
unavailable until i reformatted it through vista.'

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