Regular Expression Problem



Hello everyone,

I have had a look at some newsgroup articles but cannot seem to find
anything to hekp me so please bear with me if this is a simple

I am using Regular expressions for the first time and am trying out a
simnple expression which is not working properly.

The phrase I am searching is (exlsuding quotes): -

" testing 12345 tesssssssssssting 1234"

My regex expression is : -

" te.*ting "

what I am tring to find is both instances of testing however the
program is finding the entire expression. I can see why it is doing
this but I cannot figure out how to chnage my expression to find both
"testing" and "tesssssssssssting".

I know about s* but it needs to be .* or equivelent as it could be
any letter, not just s.

If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Many Thanks in advance

Kind regards


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