Regular expression help



I am trying to implement a NewPasswordRegularExpression in a ChangePassword
control. Below is my control. I was testing with the following new password


and it failed with the error message. I copied this from a Microsoft
example. Can anyone help with this? Thanks.

<asp:ChangePassword ID="ChangePassword1" runat="server"
NewPasswordRegularExpression =
NewPasswordRegularExpressionErrorMessage = "Your password must
be at least 7 characters long, and contain at least one number and one
special character."
PasswordHintText = "Please enter a password at least 7
characters long, containing a number and one special character.">



I've tried this using online regular expression
tester) and I agree that your pattern doesn't match.

But I think the problem is with your pattern:


its the @\" at the front which looks wrong, as this is saying that your
string (password in your case) must start with @" and indeed @"mi11ard$ does
match. If you remove the @\" then mi11ard$ it does match, so:


but whether its doing what you want is another matter, as I'm not familiar
with (?=...) construct.

Hope this helps.

I think that David copied the wrong string. The "@" is for verbatim
literal. Regex should be like:

<asp:ChangePassword ID="ChangePassword1" runat="server"
NewPasswordRegularExpression =@"\"(?=.{7,})(?=(.*\d){1,})(?=(.*\W)
{1,})" />.

Read more about verbatim strings here:

Best regards.

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