regular expression for tags with there attribute and content.




I'm new to regular expressions and having troubles recreating one that would
match tags with there attribute and content.

Example on which i'm doing the match:
[CODE class="testclass" created=John] protected void
btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)<br /> {<br />
this._db.SignOut(Session);<br /> if (Session["User"] != null)<br />
Session.Remove("User");<br /> FormsAuthentication.SignOut();<br />
Response.Redirect(Page.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);<br /> }<br />[/CODE]

Most of the expression I got so far is working but the problem is when the
content between the tags contains a [ like in the example, my current regex
won't match that and I can't strip the tags to read the content since I can
have multiple tags in one line :/.

Expression so far:

(?<starttag>\[(?<tag>\w+)(?<attributes>[|:/\+\-\=\'\".?&amp;\w\s]*)\]) <--
starttag (with attributes in) works, would match [CODE class="testclass"

(?<attributes>[|:/\+\-\=\'\".?&amp;\w\s]*)\]) <-- attributes works, would
match class="testclass" created=John

(?<Content>[^\[]*) <-- content doesn't catch [

(?<endtag>\[\/\k<tag>\]) <-- endtag works, would match [/CODE]


The following matches the content when used with the singleline option



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