Registry Size



What is the recommended "Registry Size", cuase my client
are often
receiving error message that their profile cannot be
loaded due to
registry size.

Don Wilwol \(CollTech\)

I alway set the max size to 100 or 120.;en-us;124594&Product=win2000

The profile is loaded into the registry when a user logges on. If your using
roaming profiles, they can sometimes get quite large. If the keys are not
properly deleted it can cause issues. This was a very big problem in NT 4

Keys like the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers would
just keep getting bigger.

It would take some more information to really troubleshoot this problem.
Upgrades, sidHistories, profile types etc all play a role. If this only
happens to certain users, look for corrupt or larger than normal profiles.


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