Registry repair


Ray a

Hi all
Anyone know of a registry repair program to fix errors in the registry
for windows XP ? Free or not?
Having trouble with PC and it says I have Registry Errors. Already used
system restore Cd that came with PC so I can't go back.


Hi all
Anyone know of a registry repair program to fix errors in the registry
for windows XP ? Free or not?
Having trouble with PC and it says I have Registry Errors. Already used
system restore Cd that came with PC so I can't go back.

Registry repair Freeware,GGLD:en&q=Registry+repair+Freeware

If you totally restored your system with the recovery CD from the came
with your PC, you should not have registry problems. I would suggest
that you contact your PC maker and have a serious discussion with them
if your computer came with registry errors already installed at the


Ray a escreveu:
Hi all
Anyone know of a registry repair program to fix errors in the registry
for windows XP ? Free or not?
Having trouble with PC and it says I have Registry Errors. Already used
system restore Cd that came with PC so I can't go back.

Try MV RegClean 3.81.
Church Google for Marcos Velasco.
It is free and very good.
You have an other choice, System Mechanic 5, but isn't free.


Surprising that registry errors still appear after a complete system
restore. I would be surprised if a reg repair tool will help here.

If you have added extra hardware before the system restore, then you
can't expect the system restore to do the trick.

It is likely to be a driver problem anyway. I would boot into safe mode
and reinstall the drivers one at a time, looking for one that produces
the problem.

When you cure it, backup your registry with ERUNT.


Damaged Registry Repair and Recovery in Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Professional

How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry That Prevents Windows XP from

HOW TO: Back Up, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows XP and
Windows Server 2003;EN-US;322756

Since the original poster indicated that he has an OEM version of the
OS, (he stated that he recovered using a recovery CD), the warning is
applicable and should not be overlooked.

"Warning Do not use the procedure that is described in this article
(How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry That Prevents Windows XP
fromStarting -;EN-US;307545
if your computer has an OEM-installed operating system. The system
hive on OEM installations creates passwords and user accounts that did
not exist previously. If you use the procedure that is described in
this article, you may not be able to log back into the recovery
console to restore the original registry hives."


On Thu 15 Sep 2005 19:48:33, wrote:
Surprising that registry errors still appear after a complete
system restore. I would be surprised if a reg repair tool will
help here.

If you have added extra hardware before the system restore, then
you can't expect the system restore to do the trick.

It is likely to be a driver problem anyway. I would boot into
safe mode and reinstall the drivers one at a time, looking for
one that produces the problem.

When you cure it, backup your registry with ERUNT.

Yes, definitely use ERUNT. And (to the OP) note the ERUNT recovery
process if you can't boot into XP after a major registry cleanup.

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