Register Yahoo account problem!




When I try to create a new account in Yahoo! Registratrion (Free) I
have got problem in step 2 Select an ID and password. I would like an
ID as I suggest but it show message: ID is not available and Here are
some suggestions.

I wonder and feel strange becasue I think Yahoo is getting change not
as before I can create whichever ID I prefer.

Am I right?

Anyone can you please give me idea about it?




susan said:
When I try to create a new account in Yahoo! Registratrion (Free) I
have got problem in step 2 Select an ID and password. I would like an
ID as I suggest but it show message: ID is not available and Here are
some suggestions.

I wonder and feel strange becasue I think Yahoo is getting change not
as before I can create whichever ID I prefer.

You need an ID that nobody else already has. Very hard to find for
general IDs'

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