Regex value between brackets


Peter Proost

Hi group I'm searching for a regex to retrieve the values from between
the brackets.

For example if I've got this text:

({CP-2} x {EDP-2}) / 1000 = {KGP-2} = f

Prix de base = f + VA (fixe jusqu’au {TWD})
= {KGP-2} + {TW} = {(KGP-2) + TW}

I would like to get

{(KGP-2) + TW}

I thought I could do it with this regex: new Regex("{.*}") but it
doesn't work as I expected.

All tips are welcome



Martin Honnen

Peter said:
I thought I could do it with this regex: new Regex("{.*}") but it
doesn't work as I expected.

..* matches greedily so you need .*? at least to ensure you match only to
the first following curly brace:

string s = "= {KGP-2} + {TW} = {(KGP-2) + TW}";
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(s, "{.*?}"))

Peter Proost

.* matches greedily so you need .*? at least to ensure you match only to
the first following curly brace:

             string s = "= {KGP-2} + {TW} = {(KGP-2) +TW}";
             foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(s, "{.*?}"))

Thanks, that was exactly what I needed,

thanks again.



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