REGEX help


John Baro

I need to determine when multiple fonts are selected in a richtextbox.
A font is indicated by \fcharset(N) where (N) is a number. (To the best of
my knowledge)

I can use this statement

int Matches = 0;
for(Match m = Regex.Match(rtfTextEdit.SelectedRtf, @"\\fcharset\d");
m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
if(Matches == 2)
//multiple fonts selected

but there has to be an easier way.
I (surely) can specify that I want to match 2 or more \fcharset(n) instances
before a match is set.

This also breaks when I type in \fcharset0 in the textbox which will put
\\\\fcharset0 in the rtf.
Therefore it will match \fcharset0 twice, even though it is the same font.
I therefore need to exclude any instance with \\ in front.
Looking at msdn the ~(X) expression should do this but I cannot get it to
ie ~(\\\\)\\fcharset0

I have downloaded eric gunnersons regex tester from gotdotnet but I cannot
seem to get it to work properly with the above constructs.
It does not seem to recognise the ~(X) construct.

There seem to be major differences between MS regex and say perl regex?

Any help would be muchly appreciated.


PS I know I could probably do this with split and replace but I want to
figure out regex. :)

John Baro

Looking at msdn the ~(X) expression should do this but I cannot get it to
ie ~(\\\\)\\fcharset0

I have downloaded eric gunnersons regex tester from gotdotnet but I cannot
seem to get it to work properly with the above constructs.
It does not seem to recognise the ~(X) construct.

And it seems that the c not operator (!) works.
ie real(?!ity)
will not match reality
but will match real.

It does not work at the beginning however
will match both

Man am I confused

JB :(

Chris R. Timmons

I need to determine when multiple fonts are selected in a
richtextbox. A font is indicated by \fcharset(N) where (N) is a
number. (To the best of my knowledge)

I can use this statement

int Matches = 0;
for(Match m = Regex.Match(rtfTextEdit.SelectedRtf,
@"\\fcharset\d"); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
if(Matches == 2)
//multiple fonts selected

but there has to be an easier way.
I (surely) can specify that I want to match 2 or more
\fcharset(n) instances before a match is set.

This also breaks when I type in \fcharset0 in the textbox which
will put \\\\fcharset0 in the rtf.
Therefore it will match \fcharset0 twice, even though it is the
same font. I therefore need to exclude any instance with \\ in


You can use a negative lookbehind to achieve the match you want:


This will match \fcharset1, but not \\fcharset1.

The Regex.Matches method can be used to detect multiple matches in a
regular expression.

bool multipleMatches = Regex.Matches(rtfTextEdit.SelectedRtf,
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace |
RegexOptions.Singleline).Count > 1;
Looking at msdn the ~(X) expression should do this but I
cannot get it to work.
ie ~(\\\\)\\fcharset0

I have downloaded eric gunnersons regex tester from gotdotnet
but I cannot seem to get it to work properly with the above
constructs. It does not seem to recognise the ~(X) construct.

The ~(X) construct is specific to the Visual Studio IDE. It does not
work in the .Net framework.
And it seems that the c not operator (!) works.
ie real(?!ity)
will not match reality
but will match real.

It does not work at the beginning however
will match both

(?! indicates the beginning of a "zero-width negative lookahead
assertion" construct. A regex like "real(?!ity)" can be read as
"match the characters 'real', if and only if the letters 'ity' do not
appear immediately to the right of the 'l'."

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