RegCleaner - still freeware or not?


Jim Butterfield

I followed the pricelessware link [Download (with installer) v (540.7 KB)] which goes to
.. and did the download. Starting the resulting RegCleaner.exe
program produced "Installing jv16 PowerTools" followed by a
requirement to concur with a lengthy licensing agreement which
contained the phrase:
"license" means a legal right to use jv16 PowerTools. A license
must be bought before you are allowed to use jv16 PowerTools more
than its trial period of 30 days.
10. Use the licensed version of jv16 PowerTools if you do not
have a valid license or if you do not know who has bought the
license or if you know that the copy you are using is illegal
or the license itself is illegal or faked.

I didn't continue with the installation (apparently, more information
on the license will be provided on the F2 key after installation).
But the general appearance of this material is that RegCleaner is now
part of a package with a 30-day trial period.

Can anyone give me more information on this?


John Corliss

Jim said:
I followed the pricelessware link [Download (with installer) v (540.7 KB)] which goes to
.. and did the download. Starting the resulting RegCleaner.exe
program produced "Installing jv16 PowerTools" followed by a
requirement to concur with a lengthy licensing agreement which
contained the phrase:
"license" means a legal right to use jv16 PowerTools. A license
must be bought before you are allowed to use jv16 PowerTools more
than its trial period of 30 days.
Can anyone give me more information on this?

There was some discussion in this group recently about how jv16
Powertools is no longer freeware.

Susan Bugher

Jim said:
I followed the pricelessware link [Download (with installer) v (540.7 KB)] which goes to
.. and did the download. Starting the resulting RegCleaner.exe
program produced "Installing jv16 PowerTools" followed by a
requirement to concur with a lengthy licensing agreement which
contained the phrase:
"license" means a legal right to use jv16 PowerTools. A license
must be bought before you are allowed to use jv16 PowerTools more
than its trial period of 30 days.
10. Use the licensed version of jv16 PowerTools if you do not
have a valid license or if you do not know who has bought the
license or if you know that the copy you are using is illegal
or the license itself is illegal or faked.

I didn't continue with the installation (apparently, more information
on the license will be provided on the F2 key after installation).
But the general appearance of this material is that RegCleaner is now
part of a package with a 30-day trial period.

Can anyone give me more information on this?


Thanks for posting this - I'll start a separate thread about the
Pricelessware listing for RegCleaner. You may be able to find a download
elsewhere on the net - the author allowed that type of distribution.

I *think* all RegCleaner functions are included in jv16 Powertools.
Info about the *last freeware verion* of jv16 Powertools is here:

Download v ( 2.1 MB )



(e-mail address removed) (Jim Butterfield) wrote:

I followed the pricelessware link [Download (with installer) v (540.7 KB)] which goes to

A seemingly better and still freeware program exists, RegSeeker:

If you still prefer the last JV16 freeware:

Links > System Utils > Filesystem

"jv16 PowerTools
jv16 PowerTools - The tool to clean up the registry and handle your
files. Other interesting stuff on the site too. Since gone commercial,
so the link is a direct local download of version 1.3 - the last known
freeware version, I believe. The new, improved, but shareware version
can be obtained from here:"


Susan said:
I *think* all RegCleaner functions are included in jv16 Powertools.

The jv16 Powertools registry cleaner is not the same as jv's RegCleaner. In
short, it's a better product. Development on Regcleaner was stopped over a
year ago while Powertools, including the registry cleaning component, was
continually being improved.


Jim said:
I followed the pricelessware link [Download (with installer) v (540.7 KB)] which goes to
.. and did the download. Starting the resulting RegCleaner.exe
program produced "Installing jv16 PowerTools" followed by a
requirement to concur with a lengthy licensing agreement which
contained the phrase:
"license" means a legal right to use jv16 PowerTools. A license
must be bought before you are allowed to use jv16 PowerTools more
than its trial period of 30 days.
10. Use the licensed version of jv16 PowerTools if you do not
have a valid license or if you do not know who has bought the
license or if you know that the copy you are using is illegal
or the license itself is illegal or faked.

I didn't continue with the installation (apparently, more information
on the license will be provided on the F2 key after installation).
But the general appearance of this material is that RegCleaner is now
part of a package with a 30-day trial period.

Can anyone give me more information on this?


Hi Jim,

If you still want a copy of the last version of RegCleaner (which I still
use btw), you can get from here:



I have looked at reg cleaners and they come up with dozens of "bad" unused

Of course it always says to check them to see if they should be deleted but
darn it, how do I know when a maverick might need to used?

Do any of you guys just delete them and hope or just not delete any of them,
like I usually end up doing?


Mister Charlie

Glenn said:
I have looked at reg cleaners and they come up with dozens of "bad" unused

Of course it always says to check them to see if they should be deleted but
darn it, how do I know when a maverick might need to used?

Do any of you guys just delete them and hope or just not delete any of them,
like I usually end up doing?

I delete em, no questions asked. If I have a problem I can always
restore that backup that generates.

Mister Charlie

Glenn said:
Have you ever had to?

Nope. I believe like Easy Cleaner (another reg cleaning program) the
entries taken are generally on a relatively conservative basis. So no,
I have yet to have to restore a back up.

Jim Butterfield

There was some discussion in this group recently about how jv16
Powertools is no longer freeware.

Understood, John. Main objective of my post was to indicate that the
pricelessware link no longer pointed at RegCleaner, and the appearance
of jv16 might have confused others as it did me (and the author link
had also been redirected to the commercial site).

With her usual dazzling speed, Susan has already redirected the links
to an alternate download point.

As 2004 sneaks up on us, I suspect there will be more discussion on
choosing a most-priceless registry cleaning tool.



I tried the one that comes with the jv16 site last night. For me, that was
a disaster.

I killed everything it suggested with blind faith and several programs
refused to work. Norton said I had to reload which would have been OK if I
had had the disk but I downloaded the last update. The recycle directory
was full of 2 pages, which is a lot because I run a resolution of 1600x1200.
I reinstated all of them but still nothing worked. Several programs like
that were disabled like for example the pop-up program, time programs, etc.

One good thing I can say for XP, it has a recovery program. This morning, I
backed the computer back to Sep 1 (the day before the disaster happened) and
everything is back to normal.

BTW, I didn't see the backup you referred to.


Mister Charlie

Glenn said:
I tried the one that comes with the jv16 site last night. For me, that was
a disaster.

I killed everything it suggested with blind faith and several programs
refused to work. Norton said I had to reload which would have been OK if I
had had the disk but I downloaded the last update. The recycle directory
was full of 2 pages, which is a lot because I run a resolution of 1600x1200.
I reinstated all of them but still nothing worked. Several programs like
that were disabled like for example the pop-up program, time programs, etc.

One good thing I can say for XP, it has a recovery program. This morning, I
backed the computer back to Sep 1 (the day before the disaster happened) and
everything is back to normal.

BTW, I didn't see the backup you referred to.

Sorry to hear all that. Everyone has different problems with things, I
guess...all the myriad setups. I for one love OE Fix but can't use it
because after awhile it hoses my system. No one else has this problem
that I know of but me. So there ya go.

When the screen opens you have various tabbed page/functions...start
Backup was the last tab. Of course it may not have been configured to
backup, tho I think it defaults to do so. If not one only need to go to
options and make sure it's checked.

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