Regarding windows 2000 professional error



There's a error message "Isass.exe Error Security Accounts Manager
initialization failed because of the following error: The security ID
structure is invalid. Error Status: 0xc00000078. Please click OK to shutdown
this system and reboot into Safe Mode, check the event log for more detailed
There'll be great if anyone can tell me that how come how can I slove this

Dave Patrick

Without any details it's difficult to say but 0xc00000078 = "This function
is not supported on this system."


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| There's a error message "Isass.exe Error Security Accounts Manager
| initialization failed because of the following error: The security ID
| structure is invalid. Error Status: 0xc00000078. Please click OK to
| this system and reboot into Safe Mode, check the event log for more
| information.
| There'll be great if anyone can tell me that how come how can I slove this
| error.

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