My question, as expanded a bit, is whether the m-soft
download, which anyone doing updates has gotten, gets
rid of teh malware _and_ also resets the DNS back
to the pre-infection default.
yeah, about that. how exactly is a program supposed to know what your
DNS settings were before you got infected?
this isn't a setting that has a default value that you can set it back
to and have things work.
the DNS setting in question, specifically, is the address of the DNS
server your computer connects to when it wants to look up the
numerical IP address associated with a domain name (necessary for
reaching any website unless you're entering the IP address yourself).
for most people that DNS server is the one their ISP provides. even if
a program were to detect which ISP you used, and had a listing of
every DNS server provided by every ISP (a pretty monumental
undertaking), not everyone uses their ISP's DNS so a recovery program
still wouldn't be able to restore the right one.
restoring altered DNS settings is outside the scope of what a clean up
tool (like the one microsoft provides) can do.