Reg: Preparing Charts using Pivot Data



Hi All
I am tring to Prepare a sales chart of 3number team performance
for the last 2months.
Eg Pivot Data:
Data 1 Month 2 Month
Member1 94157 241782
Member2 93346 237563
Member3 94294 243119
For the above data i want to prepare a single chart which can
show me the values and also "%" of contribution of a individual member in a
perticular month.(X-axis should contain the month, Y-axis should conatin


Dear Jon

Thanx for the reply. As I require the region wise % of
contribution in the same chart as u shown in the firgure. I can't find any
"%" values in the chart given by you.

As per ur chart u r showing the region wise Rep amounts. Now i
need the region wise % values how much they are contibuted (in this same
chart the Y-axis shold conatin values).

Jon Peltier

If you need data that isn't in the pivot table to appear in the chart, then
you need to calculate the data outside the pivot table, and create a regular
chart that contains the original data and the calculated data.

Percentages might be done within the pivot table, if you are calculating
percentage of a row or column. The data field has already been added to the
pivot table's data area. Drag another copy of the field from the field list
to the data area, then right click on its label and choose Field Settings,
and choose the appropriate percentage option.

- Jon


Dear Jon

hanx for ur valuble suggestion. Can u please shown a example like
the previous one.


Dear jon
thanx for ur valuble suggestion. Can u please show me a
example like the previous one.

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